Theatre St. Thomas 2020-2021 Elections

Attention TSTers!
It’s that time of year again—It is time to appoint a new Student Board of Executive for Theatre St. Thomas’ 2020-2021 Season.
Traditionally, the nomination period takes place at the Annual General Meeting but given the circumstances, we will skip to an application process.
If you wish to run for one of the three available positions (see open positions below) please forward your brief platforms speeches to As of now, we will be accepting candidates until Friday, April 24 at 12:00 pm. Shortly after, we will send out the official slate of candidates by email and you will have until Friday, May 1 to review and cast your vote.
In order to receive these email notifications please join our email list by simply letting us know you’d like to subscribe.
Who can vote?
According to Article 3.1 of the TST Constitution, “Any full-time or part-time St. Thomas University student who has been or intends to be active in TST is eligible to be a Member with voting status.” “Active” means that you “must have participated […] in at least one TST production or event that occurred in the current year or [intend to participate] in the upcoming year,” including on- or backstage.
If this is you, please join our email list at in order to receive our notifications. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out, we’re here to help.
The General Duties of the Theatre St. Thomas Executive shall be to:
a. Carry out the Purposes and Principles of TST.
b. Share information about, and encourage the positive representation of theatre on campus and in the broader Fredericton community.
c. Liaise with the staff Technical Director of campus theatre spaces.
d. Gather and consider Member feedback regarding all TST activities and opportunities.
1. PRESIDENT | The duties of the President shall be to:
a. Be the executive officer of TST charged with its general management. Assist with all other duties.
b. Call and set the Agenda for, and Chair all General and Executive Meetings, with the advice of the Faculty Advisors.
c. Act as the primary connection between the Executive and the Membership.
2. VICE-PRESIDENT EXTERNAL | The duties of the Vice-President External shall be to:
a. Work with the Executive and Administration in advertising and promoting all TST productions and events across campus and in the wider Fredericton community.
b. Promote Fredericton theatre and events to TST Members.
c. Organize the selling of TST merchandise at TST productions and events.
3. VICE-PRESIDENT INTERNAL | The duties of the Vice-President Internal shall be to:
a. Manage/Delegate all internal operations (Emails, reservation lists and Recording minutes for all meetings).
b. Coordinate TST’s Box Office, including finding ushers for all productions.