ÎçÒ¹av Master of Social Work Course Open to Current Social Workers

The St. Thomas University School of Social Work is opening a graduate level course in social work available to individuals currently with a Bachelor of Social Work degree. These individuals do not need to be accepted to the MSW program to enrol in the course.
SCWK-6073: Social Work in Health
The course, SCWK-6073: Social Work in Health Care introduces the multiple roles social workers play in health care delivery and explores challenges faced by social workers in these settings. Health care includes preventive, curative and palliative services and interventions that are delivered to individuals or populations.
The course highlights a multidimensional approach to health and describes the social determinants of health framework to link critical social work theory to health care practice. Legal and clinical issues social workers encounter within a complex and rapidly changing health care system will be explored.
Students will have an opportunity to explore health care policies and foundational clinical skills commonly used in advanced professional practice in hospitals, rehabilitation, family practice and long-term care.
Please note that this course is capped at 20 and priority will be given to current Master of Social Work students; however, there is capacity to enrol interested social workers from the community.
This course may be applied as a credit towards an MSW degree, if a student in the course later applies and is accepted into the MSW program at St. Thomas University.
SCWK-6073: Social Work in Health Care will be offered in the 2022 Fall Semester on Thursday afternoons from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
A sample of some of the topics covered in the course are listed below.
Social Work Assessment
Working On Multi-Disciplinary Teams
Social Determinants of Health
Legal And Ethical Issues
Publicly Funded Health Care
The Patient’s Perspective and Communication
Cultural Humility
Discharge Planning
Alternate Level of Care and Long-Term Care
Mental Health
Indigenous Health and Decolonizing Health Care
Death, Grief and Bereavement
Alternative And Complementary Therapies
Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care
Strategies For Enhancing Social Work Role and Influence
Patients’ Advocacy and Empowerment
This course's weekly learning activities will include three hours per week of in-class time throughout the fall term of 2022. This course will be delivered in-person; remote access will not be available. It will include seminar-style discussions with your peers and course instructor, lectures and presentations and reviewing related audio-visual material.
How to Apply
To apply, please submit an application for admission to St. Thomas University and indicate on your application that you are applying to a non-degree program as a part-time student.
More Information
If you have questions or require more information, please email socialwork@stu.ca