A Week in New York City: ÎçÒ¹avdents Learn at Musuems, Theatres, and Landmarks During Experiential Learning Trip

A group of students and professors stand on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

ÎçÒ¹av Fine Arts and History students hit the streets of New York on a week-long experiential learning trip  to soak in history, art, and live theatre.


Second-year English, French and History student Rachel Neville said she loved the  trip, and appreciated the balance between planned activities and independent time to explore.


“We were able to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park and Ellis Island, but also do some things that I might not have experienced on my own, like going to the opera and various walking tours that gave a lot of insight into the history of the city and how it has changed.”


Neville said she was able to make connections between her history course this semester and what she saw, learned, and experienced on the trip.


“We just did a unit on museums and how the way things are curated and displayed impact a visitor’s impression of an object and period of history, which really impacted the way I interacted with the objects at the various museums I visited in New York.”


New York, New Friends, New Inspiration


A group of students walking across the Brooklyn BridgeGabrielle Campbell, a second year Fine Arts and English student, said going on the trip allowed her to see things she wouldn’t have sought out if she had gone to New York on her own. 
One of her favourite parts of the experience was forging new friendships with students from other disciplines.


“This trip was amazing because it gave me the opportunity to make some new friends! It was so nice to connect with people in classes I haven’t taken, and learn about their experiences and perspectives,” she said.


Neville agreed, and said the trip enriched her ÎçÒ¹av experience beyond the connections to her in-class learning.


“It helped me make and strengthen connections with other students, which made me feel more connected to the campus community,” she said.


In addition to being a fun way to reset for the rest of the semester, Campbell said being surrounded by so much theatre in New York City was inspiring.


“I got to see so many actors perform that I have looked up to for years and it made me so excited to come back to ÎçÒ¹av and start preparing for our musical with the Musical Theatre class.”