Black History Month Events

February is Black History Month and the efforts of many individuals from St. Thomas University and the Fredericton community have created opportunities to recognize the month. Please check ҹ and the ҹav social media channels in the coming days for more information.

Black Students Association

The St. Thomas University  have planned numerous events to promote awareness and education.

The BSA has organized two public, virtual open discussions on the theme of “Breaking the Stereotypes: A Series of Conversations.” The first will feature ҹav student Felomena Deogratsias who is involved with the Black Lives Matter Fredericton Chapter. This event will take place Thursday, February 11. .

The second talk will focus on resistance and hope in the Black community, racism, the legacy of slavery, and micro aggressions. This event will take place later in the month. Find the event on ҹ here

The BSA has also planned social media initiatives to raise awareness throughout Black History Month. Through the ҹav Instagram account, members of the BSA will be highlighting a Black icon of their choosing. Through the BSA social media accounts, they will also bring attention to Black-owned businesses and Black artists. We encourage everyone to follow them on and on Instagram at @stubsa.

Black Lives Matter Fredericton Resource Launch

On Monday, February 1, BLMF will launch an online resource that was developed in partnership with the UNB Faculty of Education and St. Thomas University. Attend the launch and learn more about this resource .

Reprinting The Blacks in New Brunswick by Dr. William Spray

St. Thomas University has reprinted The Blacks in New Brunswick (1972) by Dr. William Spray, former faculty member at ҹav, with a forward by Thandiwe McCarthy, a poet, writer, and griot, and introduction by Dr. Funké Aladejebi, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto. Copies may be purchased for $15.00 by contacting All proceeds will fund bursaries for Black students. The book will be launched March 21, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

“Why Didn't They Teach That?: The Untold Black History of New Brunswick” by Graham Nickerson

We also invite everyone to see Fall 2020 issue of The Journal of New Brunswick Studies to find Graham Nickerson's essay, “Why Didn't They Teach That?: The Untold Black History of New Brunswick” .

We are appreciative of the ongoing work being done and encourage everyone to seek out these opportunities and more.