Get ÎçÒ¹avdious Online — Recurring Online Pomodoro Study Sessions

Recurring online Pomodoro study sessions will be taking place for the remainder of the semester. These sessions will be a great addition to your schedule if you’re looking for more structure and community in your study routine.


Attend a Study Session

Mondays 10:00 am to 12:00 pm - 

Mondays 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm - 

Wednesdays 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - 

Wednesdays 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm - 

Note: all times listed above are in AST.

Passcode: Study

Pomodoro study sessions were designed to help students manage their time and increase productivity.


Here’s how it works: 

1.  Pick a task from your to do list.

2.  Then work on that task for 25 minutes. The timer will be set for you. All you have to do is work.

3.  Take a short five-minute break, then repeat!

4.  Perform four Pomodoros, then take a longer 15-minute break.


If you want to get the most out of the pomodoro session, then come prepared.


Make a list of the academic tasks you could be working on:

-  Readings

-  Creating flash or cue cards for studying

-  Working on written assignments

If you know what you need to be working on, then you can start working. Pick any task from your to do list and work on it for 25 minutes.


How to make a to do list:

Ask yourself “What are all the things I need to be working on for the next week in all my courses?â€

-  Readings

-  Watching lectures

-  Discussion forums

-  Researching articles

Identify all the tasks, and then prioritize. What are the tasks you need to do first? Are there other tasks that are due sooner or worth more to your overall grade? What are the tasks you do next, after the higher priority tasks are done?


How to spend your five-minute break?

The point of these breaks is to rest, not tire yourself out with social media and more technology. 

-  Do some stretching

-  Walk around the room

-  Get some water

-  Listen to some music

-  Draw 

Find a task that will be fulfilling for you, but also one you will be able to leave easily after five minutes.

If you want more information on making a to do list and performing Pomodoros, check out the Being Productive videos on the  Moodle page.