Manuel Garcia Develops Confidence and Skills Working with Campus International Office

by Husoni Raymond, BA 2020


International student Manuel Garcia was able to channel his passion for helping international students into professional experience by working for the International Office at ҹav.


Garcia, originally from Nicaragua, applied to the position of International Student Intern because it complemented his position as the 2018-2019 president of the International Students Association.


He spent the majority of his time working closely with Carrie Monteith-Levesque, International Student Advisor, but also worked with the international recruitment team where he helped put together information packages for prospective international students, created content for a student-run Instagram account, and reviewed recruitment and marketing material aimed at international students. 


Garcia said the experience was a positive addition to his university experience as a whole, because it provided him with another opportunity to contribute to the campus community.


“I feel more accomplished and satisfied with what I'm doing here. I’m not just going to class. I feel like I'm doing more,” Garcia said. 


The fourth-year student who is pursuing an honours in Political Economy, a major in Human Rights, and a minor in Political Science said the job also taught him new skills.


“I've gained experience doing administrative work and I’ve also been able to work on things that I had no idea I could do,” he said. “I don't consider myself a creative person, but I was in charge of developing  graphic designs which turned out really well.”


Garcia said his internship also nurtured his confidence outside the classroom.


“When you come to a different country, you don't know if you're going to make it. From working here, I now know I can make it even when I leave the university.”


Garcia was quick to find a summer job, which he credits to the skills he developed through his employment with the university and the resume and cover letter workshop he attended through the Student Employment Office.


“I am a person who struggles to speak highly of myself because I don't like to sound arrogant. At the workshops, I learned how to do this effectively without sounding arrogant and that has really helped me.”


Garcia said he would encourage students to take advantage of the on-campus employment opportunities offered through the JOBS Program and ҹav Works.


“Many of the positions you will apply for after you graduate will require experience, and the jobs here on campus will teach you transferable skills.”