5 Things Your Academic Advisors Want You to Know!

The time between the end of first semester and beginning of the second marks a very important moment in your academic year. This “half-way” marker is a good time to check in with yourself—whether you’re in first or fourth year of your degree.
Academic Advisors are here to support your academic success, and they have some advice for you to consider during this time of year.
1. Academic Calendar – Use it
There is an annual Academic Calendar that tells you all of the program/major requirements as well as all university regulations. Become familiar with this resource, and use it any time you aren’t sure about degree requirements or make a change in your plans (re: changing majors, deciding to complete an honours, etc.)
Find it HERE
IMPORTANT: For your degree and major requirements, you must follow the Academic Calendar of the year you began at ÎçŇąav.
2. Adding/dropping courses deadlines – Don’t miss them
There is a deadline to drop full-year courses, as well as one to make changes to your second semester schedule. This year’s drop date for full-year courses is January 12, 2018. This is also the last day to add classes to your second semester schedule.
Renewable Scholarship Holders: Please note that to renew your scholarship, you must complete 30 credit hours of coursework and maintain the correct grade point average to receive the renewal for the following year).
3. Considering an honours program? Meet with an honours advisor
If you are considering an Honours degree, you must meet with an honours advisor from that department sometime during the second semester of your second year. Your honours advisor will be the expert when it comes to planning your honours program and preparing for graduate school—and they are happy to meet with you.
To find an honours advisor, contact the chair of the department in which you’re hoping to complete an honours degree. This can be found on the departmental pages under the Academics section of ÎçŇąav.ca or by consulting the Academic Chairs list available at the bottom of .
4. Keep track of your progress – Get an official Degree Checklist
To keep track of your degree progress, please pick up a Degree Checklist from the Registrar’s Office on the first floor of George Martin Hall. This handy tool will help you keep track of your degree requirements as you move through your Bachelor of Arts.
You can also access the checklist at the bottom of this page.
5. Classes – Go!
Go to class! This is—without question—the main key to academic success. It’s easy to fall behind when you skip classes, so if you are finding that you are skipping, please make an appointment with us—Shauna or Alison—in Academic Advising so we can help you get back on track.
To make an appointment, please call 452-0530 or visit the Registrar’s Office on the first floor of George Martin Hall.
Degree Audit Checklist